Ron Brown Realty

Your real estate guide to the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico

for over 50 years, (I do know the Jemez)


Monday, January 06, 2025 



 As you can see below, I do not have many listings, I sold the majority of them last year and the prior year and have a purchase agreement on the 114 acres. Have many people interested in cabins, lots, large acreage and riverfront.


List with me, I can get it sold and quickly. 


Free market analysis

JEMEZ MOUNTAINS: Located in Northern New Mexico, an hour to 1.5 hours from Albuquerque, 1.5 hours from Santa Fe & more or less next door to Los Alamos. The terrain varies from high desert to high mountain pines with various rivers and creeks.

Click on the links on the left for the current properties available.  Each page of listings has thumbnail photos, click on those photos and it will send you to larger photos and more information.    Download Google Earth; once downloaded, type in the address of my listings and it should upload with a satellite view of the home and area. Go to the following link, type in Jemez Springs, NM and you can get the map and satellite view of the Jemez.  Click on overall map for an overall map of the area.  For more information of the area, check out Jemez Springs.  While perusing my web page you will notice that I joke around a lot but please be aware that I am very aware that you are about ready to make your first, second or third most biggest investment in your lifetime and I take that seriously but at the same time we can make it a fun time. 

Email me at or if you are looking for a specific property.  I will do my best to find that special home, cabin or tract of land for you.   If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email me. IF INTERESTED IN SELLING, PLEASE CALL FOR A FREE MARKET ANALYSIS. 

I am open on weekends but call me for an appointment; if I am not here, please leave a message  I WILL call you back.  If you are in the area and try to call from a cell, make sure you are leaving a message; you cannot believe how many garbled calls are left on my answering machine.  When leaving phone number, “please state it slowly and clearly and state it twice”.   Also, my phone is a landline not a cell.   IF YOU TRY TO TEXT ME, it is a futile attempt.  My cell phone, (not listed), does not work in or around my office and sporadically in the Jemez, please do not text me because I will not reply.  

Click on location to find my office and a brief insight into my credentials.  Colored hyperlinks have a sale pending or sold on them.

Ron Brown Realty 

Qualifying Broker

License # NM 11290




 033 Winter Road

Jemez Springs, NM 87025





Current listings


Cańon (Red Rocks)

    10.0 acres with views

Eagle Heights

    Tract 3-A 69.7 acres

A unique tract of land

    114 acres with everything

  Sierra De Los Pinos

    3 lots, 2 bounded by National Forest


Early morning stroll

Jemez Fall

Jemez Winter

Jemez Scenes

Valles Caldera National Preserve

Off Forest Road 376

Off State Road 126